Welcome to the USA Swing Dance Club blog!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

USA Swing Dance 10/7/09

On Wednesday, October 7, the USA Swing Dance Club will be holding its first dance of the year.

Where: Student Center Ballroom
When: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 6:30pm
Cost: FREE for USA Students, $5 for everyone else

We'll see ya there!


  1. I love swing dancing, and I've taken some classes, and would quite like to be a part of USA's swing dance club, but.... I have Spanish MW 6-7:15! Does anyone else have a conflicting schedule? Is it at all possible to have one of the monthly meetings at a different day/time?
    Just wondering, because I would like to be able to come!

  2. Several students have come to me with this same problem! I went ahead and scheduled some more dates for big swing dances in the Ballroom and the dates are all on either a Tuesday or a Thursday. I hope this helps!

    I will see about scheduling regular meetings on other days of the week. The problem with that is reserving the room. We were lucky to get it as often as we did this semester, but I can check again for other days of the week.

  3. Totally helps.
    Thanks a ton!
